Fearfully, Wonderfully

On one of our first dates Kaitlyn and I went to see an author deliver a talk at a local college. He spoke enthusiastically about the link between spirituality and science; the undeniable divinity of the world around us. Throughout the talk he illustrated his thoughts using a simple tool in an interesting way: a plain whiteboard in the shape of an isosceles triangle, laid on its side. As the talk progressed this whiteboard was used as a timeline to embody not only the ever expanding universe but also the ever expanding creativity of the divine.

H/T to Rob Bell for being way more creative than I could ever imagine

The corner of a triangle is such a simple, beautiful representation of the Big Bang. In an instant everything expands. What was once focused in a single point expands outwards, with no discernible end in sight. Just as it is with our universe. Just as it is with God.  

The idea that the moment of creation has divine inspiration makes it no less scientifically wondrous. And accepting that our universe is scientifically complex and unknowable doesn't disprove the concept of a creative God. These two statements shouldn't be at odds with one another; instead, they should enhance.  Each thought makes the complexities of the other all the more beautiful. 

Get this - every single atom (except Hydrogen, I know I know) in your body was made in the center of a star. You parents weren't lying after all! You ARE a star! Really, it's true. Super smart scientists did some science and figured it out.

How cool is that? Hundreds of billions of years ago events were set in motion which led to YOU. Ponder that over your coffee this morning, and try not to feel overcome with awe. Doesn't it feel like, when we face the inspiring nature of the universe, its sometimes too much to even fathom?

The writer of Psalm 139 illustrates for us how it feels to realize that you are wonderfully made by God. How great is it then, to realize that ALL wonderful things are made by God? The tiniest grain of sand and the supernova expanding in space at this very moment are equally miraculous. The function of the heart - both anatomically and figuratively - should strike us with awe. Without its life-giving beat none of us would be here, but wouldn't we just as likely diminish into nothing without the heart's more sentimental, metaphorical purpose? The simple fact that we are able to experience Life and Love is proof that the universe is a great place. We feel that greatness every time we look in the eyes of loved ones, pet a puppy, reach that goal, or find ourselves speechless at the beauty of nature.

Psalm 139 is my favorite verse because it is both deeply personal and endlessly vast. Just like the triangle which represented all that is known and unknown about the universe during the lecture. In fact...if you combine the imagery of the triangle and Psalm 139 I think you end up with a portrait that expresses just about every aspect of our universe.

Isn't that wonderful?

 Everything that ever confused you about the opposite sex AND science class is contained in this one picture. 

At ONE THIRTY NINE I will strive to capture both the intimate and the elusive. You might not agree with every word, but I hope to grow and deepen the way we all (myself included) see our world. I hope we take an appreciation for nuance out into our lives and see that sometimes the world isn't as black or white as we let it become. In those shades of grey we can remember that whoever we come across in life has been fearfully and wonderfully made. When someone is created with that much beauty they are always deserving of our compassion. And compassion is truly the heart of life, but we will get more into that later.